If you’ve been reading my series all about the seven energy centers, or chakras, you’ll know that sometimes your chakras become blocked.
But how exactly do you get the energy flowing again? This depends on each chakra, as they each represent a different aspect of your life. Today, we’re going to start with how to unblock your heart chakra.
The heart chakra represents love, compassion, and empathy. It is the fourth chakra and is associated with the color green. If it is blocked, you may feel lonely and struggle with healthy relationships in all kinds of ways. No one wants that!
So, let’s dive into 4 ways to unblock your heart chakra.
4 Ways To Unblock Your Heart Chakra
Spend Time In Nature
Since the color green represents this chakra, spending more time outdoors can help heal it. You can go on daily walks, sit in a local park, or even just spend time in your backyard.
If you can go to a forest, that’s even better! Surrounding yourself with greenery is the key. You may also consider bringing some of the outdoors inside by getting a few houseplants.
It’s also important to practice mindfulness while you do this and really be present in the moment. Try a deep breathing meditation where you focus on the idea of love.
Use Crystals
Green is this chakra’s main color, but since it is all about love, you can use both green and pink crystals. Aventurine, agate, and rose quartz are popular stones to balance the heart chakra and start receiving loving energy.
To work with these crystals, you can:
- Meditate or practice yoga with them
- Place them around your home in areas you will see them every day, especially on your bedside table
- Carry small crystals on your person as you go about your day
Keep A Gratitude Journal
One of the best ways to heal your heart chakra is to get into the practice of gratitude.
Get a small journal and write three things you are grateful for every day. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. Feeling grateful attracts more unconditional love into your life and can bring your heart chakra into balance.
Practice Yoga
Yoga is an amazing way to open the heart chakra. You can use different yoga poses depending on which one you want to work with. Any heart opener pose is great for working with your heart chakra.
Some of the best poses include:
- Cat/cow
- Fish
- Sphynx
- Bridge

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