Ravi Chermala is an independent musician who creates R&B and Rap Music in his home studio.
Independent Artist
Ravi Chermala is an independent artist who creates Rap and R&B music. Drawing inspiration from his own life, Chermala aims to tell a story in each song he produces. Taking full creative control of the endeavor, the musician is actively involved in the creative process. He is fully hands on, from idea development to the recording and promotion processes. Chermala’s first mixtape is currently in development, which he looks forward to sharing with the public in late 2023. Featuring a unique balance of both Rap and R&B tracks, Chermala’s debut album will include an assortment of his first-ever created and recorded songs. Fully independent, the musician is not interested in signing any big-time record deals. In fact, he vows to stay independent! Many people ask Chermala why he has chosen this approach. The answer is simple: full creative freedom. Recording contracts pose unnecessary risks and limitations on the creative process, which Chermala is not at all interested in. He prefers that his art remains pure and untouched by any outside influences, like big whig music executives!
Rap and R&B Music for Healing

Calm, relaxing and healing… These aren’t typically words you’d associate with the Rap or R&B genres. Ravi Chermala’s unique approach to these two styles brings those ideas and more together! For Chermala, the creative process is all about healing. There is healing in the experience of creating music, but there is also a chance for healing in listening to music. Guided by his love of yoga and meditation, the independent musician creates songs that you can listen to while engaging in both activities. He aims to empower the listeners of his music with motivational messages, positive affirmations and encouragement in his lyrics.